Hal Leonard Drumset Method - Book 1 (HL 209864)
Designed for anyone just learning to play the drumset, this comprehensive and easy-to-use beginner's guide is based on years of teaching drum students of all ages. It includes hours of audio tracks for demonstration and play-along, plus video lessons by drum master Gregg Bissonette! Lessons include: drum setup & fundamentals • tuning & maintenance • basic music reading • grips & strokes • coordination & basic techniques • basic beats for many styles of music • 8th notes, 16th notes, dotted notes & triplets • drum fills • and more.
Product Videos
Custom Field
Category Drum & Percussion
Series Drum Instruction
Product Type Softcover Media Online
Format Book/Online Media
Genre Instruction
Instrument Drumset
Contributors Gregg Bissonette, Kennan Wylie
Pages 64
HyperLink https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieQp7CMlAxI