DP-006 (HL 334299)
Song ideas can happen anywhere. With the TASCAM DP-006, you'll be ready. Jot down ideas for your songs using this professional sounding multi-track recorders. For extra battery life, you can add TASCAM's BP-6AA external battery pack. Easy to operate, just like a cassette MRT, with recording preparation achievable in just two steps after turning the device on. A high-quality microphone is already built-in, so there is no need for an external mic. Each track has a designated knob so that users can intuitively operate each track without having to rely on the screen. SD/SDHC cards are used for recording media, allowing data to be transferred to the computer via USB. Adding the DP-006 to your production setup will increase the scope of your music production infinitely. The music sketchpad can easily accumulate ideas and will capture that melody line as it pops into your head, all in high audio quality, further enhancing your music production.
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Category Music Related Products
Series TASCAM of America
Brand/Publisher TASCAM
Product Type Portable Recorders