Colors of Grace (New Edition) (HL 323200)
Presented in a new edition for the 20th anniversary of its publication, this seminal cantata is rich with musical and spiritual potential. Using simple symbols of worship, expressive music and a sensitive narration by Pamela Stewart, this work is an unforgettable experience for Holy Week. A new SAB version and special anniversary consort orchestration join the original products to open the work to groups of every size. Only 30 minutes long, the cantata is easily learned and with Brant Adams' gentle yet dramatic orchestrations, Colors of Grace will become a treasured part of your Holy Week commemoration.
Songs include: Prologue; Take My Yoke Upon You; A Servant's Song (The Basin and Towel); Take My Yoke Upon You (Lesson 1: Service); Underscore: The Cup; A Shadow Fell on Sharon's Rose; Take My Yoke Upon You (Lesson 2: Obedience); Underscore: The Crown of Thorns; O Gentle Jesus; Take My Yoke Upon You (Lesson 3: Humility); Come to the Cross; Epilogue.
Score and Parts for Orchestra (fl 1-2, ob/eng hn, cl 1-2, bn, hn 1-2, timp/bass dm, perc 1-2, hp, pno, vn 1-2, va, vc, db) available as Printed Edition and as a digital download.
Consort Score and Parts (fl, cl, hn, perc, pno, hp, vn, vc) available as a digital download.
Product Videos
Category Choral
Series Shawnee Sacred
Product Type Softcover
Brand/Publisher Shawnee Press
Voicing Orchestra Accompaniment
Format Full Orchestra (Print)
Genre Sacred, Lent, Cantata, Holy Week
Instrument Choral
Contributors Joseph M. Martin