A Prayer for Peace (HL 35030316)
Uses: General, Peace Sunday
Scripture: Luke 2:14; John 16:32-33; Romans 14:17
A winsome melody melts hearts with gentle grace in this prayer for inner peace. This folk-like tune is supported by several interesting harmonic twists, adding a distinctive quality to the overall effect. A simple canon adds variety and a mesmerizing cello obbligato makes this anthem special. Voiced for maximum efficiency, choirs of every size will find this irresistible piece to be essential for services of reflection.
Product Videos
Category Choral
Series Shawnee Sacred
Brand/Publisher Shawnee Press
Voicing SAB with Cello
Format SAB/opt. Cello
Genre Sacred, Pentecost, General Worship, Anthem, Benediction
Instrument Cello, Choral
Contributors Karissa Dennis, Henry Baker
Pages 12
HyperLink https://youtu.be/j2vkrv-rCdk